Indonesia with the capital city Jakarta is a country located in Southeast Asia, located at the coordinates of 6° N – 11° South Latitude and 95° East Longitude -141° East Longitude which stretches from the west to the sea bordering the Malay Peninsula to the east by Papua New Guinea.
Indonesia is an archipelago that is flanked by two continents, namely Asia Besar, and the Australian. The archipelago is located between two oceans, namely the Pacific Ocean and the Indonesian Ocean.
The northernmost border of Indonesia is Sipadan Island and the southernmost boundary of Indonesia is Rote Island. Indonesia is crossed by the equator, when viewed from the picture, most of Indonesia is located in the southern hemisphere, and if calculated from Meridian 0 Indonesia is located in the eastern part of the Earth.
The Indonesian archipelago is crossed by the equator which runs east to west.
Due to its geographical position, time in Indonesia is divided into three parts of time, which have a Greenwich time difference of 7 – 9 hours.
that is :
1. Eastern Indonesia Time (WIB) based on the Pangkal Meridian 105° East Longitude covering parts of the island of Papua, Maluku Island, North Maluku, and its surroundings, has a difference of 9 hours to Greenwich.
2. Central Indonesian Time (WIT) based on the Base Meridian of 120° covering the islands of Sulawesi, East Kalimantan Island, South Kalimantan Island, Bali Island, Nusa Tenggara Island, has a time difference of 8 hours from Greenwich
3. Indonesian Time Brat (WIB) based on the Base Meridian 135° east longitude covering the islands of West Kalimantan, Java, and Madura islands, Sumatra islands, has a time ratio of 7 hours to Greenwich.
As is known, the coordinates of the tropical climate in the world are located between the Sartan line 23.5° North Latitude and 23.5° South Latitude Line. Referring to the location of the coordinates, Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate so the temperature in the Indonesian Archipelago throughout the year ranges from 26 ° C to 28 ° C. Rainfall in Indonesia is between 700mm – 7.000mm per year.
Land area 1,919,440 KM
Ocean area 3,273,810 KM
108,000 KM . Coastline
Indonesia is an archipelagic country with an estimated number of large and small islands as many as 16,771 islands consisting of
5 major islands, namely, Sumatra Island, Java Island, Kalimantan Island, Sulawesi Island, West Papua, and Maluku Island.
West Papua is recorded to have the largest number of islands, which is around 4,100 islands,
- Riau Islands as many as 1,994 islands,
- Central Sulawesi 1,632 islands,
- Maluku 1,286 islands
- North Maluku 856 islands,
- The remaining 1.6771 are spread over several provinces in 27 provinces in Indonesia
Of the many islands, it is estimated that only a quarter is inhabited by humans
A Population of Indonesia, based on data from the Director-General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs as of December 30, 2021, the total population of Indonesia is 273,879,750 people.
Among many populations of Indonesia, the most inhabit
- Java Island 56.10% around 153,646,539.75 million people
- Sumatra Island 21.68%, around 59,377,128.80 million people
- Island of Sulawesi 7.36% around 20,157,549.60 million people
- Kalimantan 6.15%, around 16,432,785 million people
- Its sides are 242,65,746.85 spread over the Maluku Islands, mainland West Papua, and other islands.
Of the many recorded Indonesian population, it is divided
and consists of tribes and tribal children. The classification of tribes and
their sub-tribes is based on the area in which they are inhabited. The one
island, sometimes more than ten tribes and tribes can be found, but there is
also one island where only one tribe is found.
The people's livelihood adapts to the position and
geographical conditions. People who live in remote areas that have extensive
natural forests such as the islands of Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Sulawesi,
initially meet protein sources by hunting for animals in the forest, now under
the wishes of their civilization, they are running independent livestock. The
need for carbon hydrate by growing rice in the fields.
Especially for Papua, the people are not familiar with
agriculture as the main food crop, because the main food source for the people
there is sago, which is provided by nature in the form of sago forest which is
very abundant. Collecting resin, forest rattan, and wallet bird nests to be
traded in the nearest city is still ongoing today.
Extraction process of sago flour from sago palm stalks
Image Source:jubi.co.id |
Meanwhile, the population of people who inhabit fertile land
areas such as on the island of Java, some parts of the island of Sumatra, and
Sulawesi, farming is the main activity of community groups. The main crops are
rice and corn as a staple food.
The rice field tillage system is still relatively
traditional, namely using buffaloes pulling plows to loosen the rice fields,
only a few use a tractor as a tillage tool.
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